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Featured Industries

Visual Arts


Building and Construction


Aviation (Remote Pilot)


Kitchen Operations


Building and Construction


Vocational Education and Training (VET) enables students to acquire workplace skills through nationally recognised training described within an industry developed training package or an accredited course.

The achievement of a VET qualification signifies that a student has demonstrated competency against the skills and knowledge required to perform effectively in the workplace.

A VET program is usually made up of:

  • VET units of competency
    • Delivered by a registered training organisation (RTO) (e.g. TAFE), student's school or another school close by.
  • Structured workplace learning
    • This involves an employer accepting a student on a one day a week basis or one-week block. Structured workplace learning enables the student to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge in an industry setting. During the work placement, a student will have specific tasks to undertake in order to demonstrate competence. They will be regularly monitored and may be assessed on the job.

Contribution to the VCE, VM, VPC and VCAL

With the exception of English there is no limit on the VET programs that may contribute to satisfactory completion of the VCE. VET may be fully incorporated into the VCE as VCE VET or Block Credit Programs.

Students who complete all or part of a nationally recognised qualification may receive credit towards satisfactory completion of their VCE and/or VCE Vocational Major. Recognition can be achieved through:

  • Enrolment in a VCAA-approved VCE VET program, or a school-based or part-time apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • Enrolment in any other nationally recognised qualification at Certificate II level or above - this arrangement is called block credit recognition.

For more information, please refer to

VCE VET Programs:

  • VCE VET programs are VET qualifications approved by the VCAA following consultation with schools, industry and training providers.
  • VCE VET programs may lead to nationally recognised qualifications, thereby offering student the opportunity to gain both the VCE and a VET qualification,
  • All VCE VET programs provide credit towards the VCE. Most VCE VET programs provide credit at Units 1 to 4 level; however, some programs provide credit at Units 1 & 2 level only.
  • VCE VET programs also provide credit towards the VCE VM. Students may receive two VET credits at Certificate II level or above (180 nominal hours is required).
  • Selected VCE VET programs have a study score component based on the designated Units 3 & 4 sequence of their program. For scored VCE VET programs, the study score is calculated using assessments of each student’s levels of performance. Scored programs, contribute directly to the ATAR, either as one of the primary four studies or as a fifth or sixth study.

Some programs do not provide a study score. A non-scored VCE VET program does not provide a study score and therefore cannot contribute towards the student’s primary four.  Subject to VTAC policy, where a Unit 3 & 4 sequence is available and satisfactorily completed, it may be counted as a 5th or 6th subject and contribute towards their ATAR (a 10% increment towards their ATAR (subject to VTAC policy).


Block Credit VET Programs

Students who undertake VET programs not included in the suite of approved VCE VET programs may be eligible for credit towards their VCE. VTAC may award students who receive a Units 3 & 4 sequence through Block Credit recognition a 10% increment towards their ATAR (subject to VTAC policy).

For further information, go to:

Features of VET

  • It is a 2-year program combining senior school studies and accredited vocational education and training
  • Enables students to complete a nationally recognised vocational qualification (e.g., Certificate II in Hospitality), a senior school certificate (VCE/VCE VM), vocational pathway certificate (VPC), and intermediate VCAL. at the same time
  • Provides students a pathway directly to employment and/or entry to further VET studies and qualifications and may also lead to tertiary studies.
  • Focuses on students developing industry specific and workplace skills and exposes students to a range of industries to help future career decisions.
  • It is a vocationally oriented school program designed to meet the needs of industry.

VET Increases Students' Learning Potential

  • Broadens VCE/VCE VM options
  • Develops student's capacity to make decisions and solve problems
  • Helps students to gain confidence and improve communication and interpersonal skills through learning in an adult environment
  • Fosters positive feedback by enabling students to demonstrate specific skills and competency
  • Matches student interests and career directions through the provision of strong pathways. 

 VET Gives National Qualifications and Skills

  • Upon successful completion of the program, students may be awarded a Nationally Accredited Qualification, Skill Set or Statement of Attainment
  • VET qualifications may articulate directly into further education and training at a TAFE, other Registered Training Organisation or High Education provider, through documented pathway agreements
  • VET provides access to a range of different technologies related to the type and place of work. 

 VET Prepares Students for the Workforce

  • Provides the opportunity to trial an Industry
  • Helps students explore possible areas of interest which promote further study and work choices
  • Multiplies post-school opportunities
  • Participation in Structured Workplace learning provides students with opportunities to develop links to Industry/Local Community employers
  • Develops employability skills
  • Helps students develop their knowledge of employer's expectations and real working conditions
  • Develops their capacity for co-operation, teamwork, independence and leadership skills
  • Assists in transition from school to work.

Latest News

Mar 25

VET Acting Year 2 - Term One, 2024

Category: Acting with Australian College of Dramatic Arts

VET Acting 2024 Year 2 students attended a full day excursion at ...